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  • Writer's pictureDarian

2021 Preview: Looking Ahead To The Most Anticipated Black LGBTQ+ Contributions

Congratulations! If you’re reading this then you managed to survive the worst of the global coronavirus pandemic to ring in the new year. While we’re not completely out of the woods yet, many medical professionals are predicting that life as we once knew it is poised to make a gradual comeback in the third quarter of 2021 as Americans continue to receive the coronavirus vaccination. If nothing else, being quarantined provided an opportunity for artists and thought leaders—many of whom identify as LGBTQ+—to dig deeper, which will undoubtedly result in a plethora of new and exciting projects that will influence the culture in 2021.

The Reckoning has comprised a list of new works from Black LGBTQ creatives, authors and musicians slated to be released in 2021 that are on our radar, and we feel should be on yours. This list is not exhaustive, and some projects will likely fall under our radar, but here are a few books, television shows, films, and live theater moments you should look out for in 2021.

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