Times have definitely changed. "Council of Dads" actor J. August Richards took to Instagram on Tuesday to thank fans for what he describes as a "crushing avalanche of love" after coming out as gay during an interview on the same platform in support of his new NBC drama.
"Everyone said it would be, but nothing could have prepared me. Yesterday was one of the best days of my life," wrote Richards on Instagram. "Thank you" feel like cheap words to describe the depths of the gratitude I feel for your support and the crushing avalanche of LOVE I felt aimed at me yesterday. Who knew that something I once thought of as terrifying had within it something so beautiful...For every comment, like, emoji, repost, phone call, text message, everything. I felt it ALL...THANK YOU!!!" #PRIDE #LGBTQ #BLACKLGBTQ #ComingOut #SelfLove #SelfAcceptance
Richards plays a married gay physician who becomes one of several men charged with providing guidance to a family of five children after the sudden passing of the family patriarch. In what may be a primetime first, Richards husband on the show is also a Black gay man.
Watch Richards on "Council of Dads" on Thursdays at 8/7C on NBC.