In 2006, I wanted to create an online platform to give visibility to the lives and stories of LGBTQ people of color. And with a successful eight-year run, and some time off in between, that desire has never ceased to exist. Today, I'd like to welcome you to the new Living Out Loud 2.0. My goal is for this site to become your number one destination for the latest in news, culture and Black LGBTQ political commentary. So go ahead and bookmark the site, tell a friend or two, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel (which will be live soon) where new content created specifically for LGBTQ people of color will be uploaded weekly. Let's get this journey started.
Excellent! Welcome back Darian!
This is so awesome and you're been missed! Welcome back!
So glad to have you back. Missed having your voice here.
This is awesome! I look forward to reading your blogs! Godspeed ♥️💪🏿☺️🌈💯⚡